Presentation: 30 min
05 min: intro to the lab
10 min: intro to the City Science
10 min: me and my work
Workshop: -45 min
05 min: introduction
- what is participatory budeting?
- ratio of city budget
$2M (~3 億円、0.22% of city budget)
令和 5 年度千葉市の一般会計の 0.22%はおよそ ~10.9 億円
03 min: options
- the point is only give a time that its not enough time to think through
03 min: categorical voting
- categorical
05 min: team forming and discussions
- team forming
- clear instructions on what to discuss
10 min: 2 min presentation x 5 categories
- 1min: what is important to your team
- 1min: list three options as your manifesto