Yasushi Sakai (酒井 康史)


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(日本語略歴は一番下にあります) Yasushi Sakai is a researcher, artist, and architect who operates from the realm of computer terminals. He currently serves as a research assistant and Ph.D. candidate at the MIT Media Lab CityScience group. His work encompasses a wide range of projects, from designing microcontroller schematics to creating large-scale mega structures, and from converting tangible artifacts into intangible experiences.

Sakai’s research interests center around the fluid boundaries between machines and humans, particularly from the perspective of intelligence and methods of creation. He is particularly interested in large-scale city planning that incorporates the social implications of our collective machine society.

Sakai’s work has been recognized by several prestigious organizations, including selection for the Siggraph Art Exhibition (2018), the Chile Biennial Art Exhibition (2017), and the Japan Media Art Festival (2015). Additionally, he has won several hackathons, including the Art Hack Day (2015) and the World Bank’s global innovation challenge (2015).


  • 2011 - 2015 Architect, Nikken Sekkei, Architectural Design Department, Digital Design Lab
  • 2011 (internship) MEME, Boston, MA assistant for scripting
  • 2010 (internship) Ryoji Ikeda, remote assistant in CG modelling, rendering, architectural drawings for exhibitions


  • 2017- Media Arts and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD
  • 2015-2017 Media Arts and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.S
  • 2010-2012 Environmental Design and Governance, Keio University (Japan), M.A
  • 2008-2010 Environmental Information, Keio University, B.A

Awards / Exhibits






  • Excellent Undergraduate Architectural Design Exhibition, Elected, Lemon Gasui
  • Shigeru Ito prize, Grand Prize, Keio University

    *​: collaboration with Nicole L’Huillier and Thomas Sanchez

    **​: collaboration with Daisuke Tsunoda

*​**: collaboration with Kosuke Katano and Sei Takeda


  • Jett-sen: A Mobile Sensor Fusion Platform for City Knowledge Abstraction Andres Rico, Yasushi Sakai
  • Diastrofismos Thresholds vol47: Repeat, Nicole L’Huillier, Thomas Sanchez, Yasushi Sakai
  • Alonso, L., et al. CityScope: A Data-Driven Interactive Simulation Tool for Urban Design. Use Case Volpe, ICC 2018, cite
  • Noyman, Ariel, Yasushi Sakai, and K. Larson. “Cityscopear: urban design and crowdsourced engagement platform.” CHI 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2018. cite
  • Implementation of Decentralized Version Control in Collective Design Modelling, Design Modelling Symposium 2015, Yasushi Sakai, Tsunoda Daisuke
  • Potentials in Applying Collective Intelligence in Architecture, 35th Informatics, Systems, Technology Symposium, AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan), Tokyo, Yasushi Sakai
  • Analyzing Spatial Complexity within the Neighborhood of Visual Cognition,


  • 2022 Media Lab “namaph”
  • 2021 WIRED vol.42
  • 2021 Mononome(モノノメ)
  • 2021 a+u magazine 21:09
  • 2014 100 Innovators of the Next Era Nikkei Architeture
  • 2010 House in Hanegi Park - Cherry Jyutaku-Tokushu (住宅特集) design assistant
  • 2010 Temporary Shelter for Haiti Earthquake refugees, participated as project manager Shinkenchiku (新建築)
  • 2008 Hualin Temporary elementary school (Chengdu, China) Shinkenchiku (新建築) construction assistant
  • 2008 Case study House-13 -Atelier of Stained Glass Artist- design assistant


  • CAD/BIM and visual programming software (Revit, ArchiCAD, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper)
  • Circuitry Design, microcontrollers(ATMEGA)
  • Programming, in the order love (Rust, swift, JavaScript(TypeScript), python, JAVA(processing/Android), C++, C#, PHP)
  • and most importantly GIT


1985 年生まれ。日建設計/デジタルデザインラボを経て、現在 MIT Media Lab 博士課程兼リサーチアシスタント所属。人とテクノロジーの関係を探りつつ、なかでも“都市という機械” を対象に研究する。分散ヴァージョン管理システムや新しい民主プロセスを参照し、建築や都市における集団的合意形成をサポートするシステムの開発に携わる。業績としてクーパーヒューイット美術館(米国 NY 州, 2018)や Siggraph(カナダ, 2018)など展示や、文化庁メディア芸術祭審査員推薦作品(2014)や Golden Art Hack Award(2014)などの受賞がある。

短バージョン <2024-06-24 Mon>

1985 年生まれ。MIT Media Lab 所属博士課程兼リサーチアシスタント。研究対象は建築や都市における集団的合意形成をサポートするシステム。クーパーヒューイット美術館(米国 NY 州, 2018)や Siggraph(カナダ,2018)など展示や、文化庁メディア芸術祭審査員推薦作品(日本,2014)や WIRED Common Ground Award(2022,入賞)などの受賞がある。

Date: 2020-03-20